Where inner healing meets hospitality  refreshment newness innovation

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What are Spirit Teas?

We have a human spirit made up of seven portions. These portions correspond to the energy wheels within our body. Many times these portions of our spirit need ministry.

How do you make the tea?

Put one teaspoon of herb matter into a tea bag or infuser. For optimal color, be sure to mix the plant matter very well. Steep for a minimum of 10 minutes so the colors can be extracted from the herbs. There will be more benefit from the color of the tea if your eyes can see the color. Using a clear cup or mug will add more value to the experience.

How does this work?

Our spirit is light and light beckons to light. Each tea’s color corresponds to one color of the rainbow. When using the color frequency of each tea, the human spirit is given a space to come forward for ministry and healing.  Herbs act as an anchor to our humanity, and the color (light) is used as a key to unlock specific spirit portions. There’s nothing new under the sun, but there can be a fresh set of tools that are released for certain times and seasons. We believe there will be an outpouring of Holy Spirit onto people, but our spirit has to be well to handle all the goodness that’s available for us. We have come to a time and place where we have to heal our spirit if we are going to be effective in our design, calling, mandates, and birthright.

Are the teas/ course friendly for the DID/SRA community?

Absolutely! In fact, those who have experienced deep spiritual trauma have found these teas to minister to them with speed. We believe this happens due to working primarily with light, and if you know anything about light, it travels fast!

How do I learn more about spirit ministry?

I have designed a course that takes those who are looking to go deeper into spirit ministry through guided assignments on how to use these teas for deeper healing. In the course you will learn how to honor your personal human spirit, how to release wounds your spirit portions have carried, and how to enter into a different space of worship that strengthens your spirit. This isn’t just for your personal journey, but for the collective body of King Jesus. It’s time to heal the human spirit.

If you’re ready to dig in deeper – tap the image on your screen. 

What are you waiting for?
Grab your SpiritualiTEA kit by tapping anywhere below.

Heal well and happy sipping!