The Girl Nextdoor

When we have a human spirit that is present and healthy, we have the ability to call out to those in agreement with things that are not of light, or of life. 

Last week, a neighbor’s daughter told me she had become pregnant. She recently had to have a D&C due to miscarrying and was genuinely excited about having this baby, but in the course of the night, her excitement turned to mourning as she was massively rejected by her boyfriend.

The building of the church has become less of a place of healing and more of a membership. This young girl would most likely never set foot in a church because the fear of being rejected on top of her current rejection is too strong… The spirit of rejection was trying to halt and stop future generations from coming forward by blocking this young girl from crossing over into motherhood.

NOPE. Rejection and Anger will not escalate to Murder. 

As believers, when redemption has been given to us for our iniquity and sin, we have the ability to stand in place of someone and ask the Lord for redemption on their behalf. 

When the girl’s mom texted me that morning, she was beside herself with anger that her daughter was thinking about aborting the baby. I asked if her daughter would be willing to come over for a short time as I did have maternity clothes for her. 

Within the time of the girl leaving her home and coming to my doorstep, I was able to intercede offensively against abortion. The prayer I used is here

I also used my warfare flag to bring a higher frequency of heaven into my home to a higher vibration. Worship goes before the warfare.

Our culture is more willing to receive love from Abba by going next door, than into a church because the spirit of rejection is too painful. So people reject before being rejected. Or they reject in response to rejection. 

When she came inside, she volunteered the information about her boyfriend leaving her and the stuff she was going through. Holy Spirit was able to move the situation as I asked to bless her spirit and her baby’s spirit. 

Sometimes when my spirit takes over on a task, my soul needs to feel like it’s doing something, too. So I asked if they were hungry and made us some tacos bowls at 2:40 something in the afternoon… 

Sometimes being the body of Christ looks like stopping the projects you are working on in the middle of the afternoon and interceding on someone else’s behalf. Then clothing them with hand-me-down maternity clothes and feeding them the dinner you planned for your family because the Lord has given you more than enough. The Lord keeps showing me that this is my soul partnering with my spirit to continue the work of loving my neighbor.  

There are people who won’t set foot in church because they don’t want to talk about their one night stands, the abuse they endure from others, or their thoughts of aborting their baby. But when love casts out fear, and authentic love of Yeshua is felt – fear, anger, murder, rejection CANNOT exist in that space. 

The vibration of Abba’s love is too powerful. 

People are more willing to go next door to a safe friend who cares for them than they are a church building. And a lot of religious programming and ‘churchianity’ protocol gets burned with holy fire as people become the hands and feet of The Most High.

So this is a reminder to you who are inside the walls of church or outside of the walls of a church, your spirit is big enough to lead wars. For yourself, for your neighbor, for your generations.
